The Field Hockey BC Foundation offers Bursary Programs designed to support athletes, coaches, and officials at all levels of field hockey development. The Foundation currently extends bursaries to assist children to access field hockey programs, enhance their personal professional development, and in doing so realize their full potential. In recognizing Coach and Official Education as the drivers for athletic development, the Foundation also offers the same professional development support to coaches and officials at all stages of development.

The Barb Hart Harris Athlete Assistance Bursary
The Barb Hart Harris Athlete Assistance Bursary is designed to support both male and female athlete participation in FHBC Regional Programming. FHBC Regional Programs allow for athletes to train in their local region whilst developing their field hockey skills. Included within Regional Programming is the FHBC Technical Development Program, the FHBC Athlete Development Program, the FHBC Talent Identification Program, the FHBC Principles of Play Program, and the FHBC Regional Representative Team Program.
FHBC Regional Programs are offered throughout the calendar year. For more detail, please refer to the programs section of the FHBC website www.fieldhockeybc.com.
The Judy Broom High Performance Bursary
The Judy Broom High Performance Bursary is designed to support female athletes selected to the Provincial 'Team BC' Program. Selection to the 'Team BC' Program is regarded as the highest Provincial honor and the program for many is the stepping stone to representative National honors.
This Bursary Program is a legacy fund gift held in perpetuity with the Foundation following the passing of Judy Broom who helped guide the development of field hockey in British Columbia over a period of 27 years.

The Allyn Murison Grassroots Bursary
The Allyn Murison Grassroots Bursary is designed to support female athletes under the age of 12 to access field hockey programming. The Bursary focuses on assisting with the costs involved in playing field hockey at the club level.
This Bursary Program is a legacy fund gift held in perpetuity with the Foundation following the passing of Allyn Murison who was passionate about getting young female athletes involved in our great game.
The Moira Rerrie Post Secondary Bursary
The Moira Rerrie Post Secondary Bursary is designed to support female athletes attending their first year in post secondary education and wishing to continue their participation in field hockey. Bursaries are awarded to athletes from the three main field hockey playing regions - Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, and the Interior.
This Bursary Program is a legacy fund gift held in perpetuity with the Foundation following the passing of Moira Rerrie who wished to assist grade 12 high school students to continue their field hockey participation into post secondary education.

The Dr. Christine Grant Coaching and Jenny John Officiating Professional Development Bursary
The Dr. Christine Grant Coaching and Jenny John Officiating Professional Development Bursary is designed to contribute towards an individuals professional development and is tailored to a value added 'give back' to field hockey in British Columbia. The Bursary is open to all levels of coach and official, with officiating including both umpires and technical officials.
The Pat Hall Officials Development Award
The Pat Hall Officials Development Award is designed to promote the development of Vancouver Island umpires and technical officials with preference given to members of the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association (VILFHA), the Vancouver Island Field Hockey Association (VIFHA), and the Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association (VJFHA).